Traditional Lawn Care Program Outline
Pre-Emergents: These minimize weed infestation by creating a barrier so that weeds annual weeds such as crabgrass do not germinate in the lawn. We use traditional products that are time tested and proven to work effectively for you and your lawn.
Weed Control: Inevitably, some weeds that are not affected by pre-emergents (called escape weeds). *These weeds are hand sprayed at each Weed Pro® Lawn Care visit to maximize product effectiveness and to ensure that these weeds are controlled before they become a problem. *Also available are special “Weed Eliminator” programs for infestations resulting from lawn neglect or missed applications of pre-emergents. Some examples of infestations are wild violets, nutsedge, dallisgrass, and crabgrass.
Fertilization: Our traditional fertilizers provide all the necessary nutrients for a healthy lawn. These organic based fertilizers are microbe-activated which means that they will slowly feed the grass over a period of several weeks to minimize surge growth and burning. Traditional fertilizers require a regular watering schedule to ensure nutrient release.
Soil Conditioner: Lime is applied to balance out naturally acidic soils. This raises soil pH to optimize fertilizer and nutrient release to the grass.
Program Schedule:
Bermuda/Zoysia Lawns: Apply winter pre-emergent and weed control with root fertilizer.
Fescue Lawns: Same application as for Bermuda, but also includes a fertilizer mix for feeding.
All lawns: Apply spring pre-emergent and weed control.
Apply Fertilizer for spring green of Bermuda and Zoysia lawns.
Bermuda/Zoysia lawns: Summer prep. Fertilization
Fescue Lawns: Summer prep. Iron spray with micronutrients
Bermuda/Zoysia lawns: Apply balanced slow release fertilizer
Fescue lawns: Apply lime soil conditioner
Bermuda/Zoysia lawns: Apply fall pre-emergent and weed control
Fescue lawns: Seed Prep fertilization
Bermuda/Zoysia lawns: Apply fall pre-emergent and weed control
Fescue lawns: Apply fertilizer
Bermuda/Zoysia: Apply lime soil conditioning
Fescue lawns: Post seeding weed control and fertilization spray