Microbe-Released Fertilizer
What’s the big deal about Microbe-Released Fertilizer?
The biggest difference between Weed Pro® Lawn Care and the competition is our fertilizer. We use non-burning microbe-released fertilizers to provide the best source of nutrients for your lawn. Our fertilizers are designed to release nutrients over an extended period of time when the grass needs them. Conventional urea-based fertilizers spoon-feed the grass, at times causing surge growth followed by periods of starvation. Shortly after an application of conventional fertilizer has been applied, the lawn will green up intensely for 2-3 weeks and then the color will fade out for the next 2-3 weeks until the next application is due and the process begins again.
This cycle of feast or famine results in lawns that are neither beautiful or healthy. Combine this cycle with increased heat and drought stresses throughout the growing season, and you can see why so many lawns are diseased or display grass that has died and become brown.
At Weed Pro® Lawn Care, we avoid these problems with controlled-released feeding that utilizes natural microbial activity in the soil. Many conventional products contain salt that draws water from the plant or surrounding soil as it breaks down. When this occurs on the plant itself, it burns the leaf tissue. When it occurs on top of the soil, the entire landscape becomes dehydrated as water evaporates into the atmosphere. This is why conventional products require more irrigation to be effective.
Our fertilizer does not release by sitting on the soil or on the plant, in fact the grass cannot directly access the nutrients at all. So you ask, “What’s so good about that?”
To feed your lawn, we rely on natural, organic processes that force the grass to work to get the food it needs. As a result a healthier, thicker, and more stress-tolerant turf thrives. Soil contains millions of microscopic bacteria, fungus, and microbes that will break down, eat, and release our fertilizer into the grass in the slow, consistent way nature intended.
Our fertilizer applications markedly increase microbial populations and activity in the soil—and a happier soil makes for a healthier lawn.
Technical details on soil microbes:
The major role of the bacteria and fungi is to decompose organic materials in the soil, including the cells of their dead microbial colleagues. It is precisely this turnover of root tissues and microbial cells that releases organically bound nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) as plant-available, inorganic, or mineral forms. This mineralization process is the essence of what microbial soil activity is all about. Yes, they do bring about other important processes, some beneficial and some detrimental, but their primary benefit is to decompose organic matter, make more microbial cells, and synthesize some soil organic matter along the way. This is why we can use mulching mowers and return grass clippings, and their nutrients, back to the soil where they belong.
Grass-roots generally support abundant bacteria and that is where you'll find the protozoa. Soil protozoa effectively graze on soil bacteria and other microbes. In fact, this may be their most important role. By eating bacteria, they not only regulate the population, but they also speed up the rate at which nutrients inside those microbial cells are recycled for uptake by plants and other microbes.
Why do we focus on “feeding the soil?
Soil microbes do all sorts of things in the soil when active, but mostly, they just "hang around" waiting for something to eat! Contrary to what some might think, soil is not a sea of organic soup. Rather, the supply of organic carbon that is required to feed microbes is scarce and the competition for this carbon is fierce. This is one reason why the rhizosphere, the zone of soil immediately around a plant root, is such a hot spot for microbial growth. Roots emit organic carbon in a variety of forms (sloughed cells, secretions, etc.) that are exploited by the nearby microbes. Microbes reprocess these materials into useable forms and into microbial cells and stable organic matter known as “humus.”
Other benefits attributed to soil microbes include:
- Nutrients recycled in, or added to, soil
- Contribute to system stabilization
- Increased solubility of nutrients such as phosphorus.
- Repair N2 levels under appropriate conditions
- Mycorrhizal fungi help plants explore soil for nutrients and water
- Natural protection from disease due to the rhizosphere effect"
- Reduced contaminants, e.g., pesticides, spilled hydrocarbons, etc.