Tired of using multiple Lawn & Landscape companies?
We know you have a world of choices when it comes to lawn care. Let’s face it: there are hundreds of people with a truck and a trailer that advertise themselves as landscapers. That’s why at Weed Pro® Lawn Care we take great pride in making sure our company upholds the highest quality standards possible in the landscape industry today.
We’ve got you covered with our complete all-season collection of landscape management programs to choose from. At Weed Pro® Lawn Care we possess all the skills and know-how power to keep your landscape looking great and well-maintained all year long!
Mow and Go™
Option #1
A. Spring/Summer - Weekly visits (April-December). This service provides for mowing your lawn; trimming with a string trimmer; the stick-edging of beds, driveway, and walkways; and blowing residue off your drive, walks, curbs, and porches/deck/patio.
B. Fall Service - Leaf cleanup weekly visits (October-December). During fall leaf season, regular weekly visits will be performed as normal. In general, the time normally allotted to lawn mowing is substituted by leaf pickup. However, some lawns will require extra time to be spent on leaf cleanup over and above the normal time spent on weekly mowing visits. Such extra time will be billed as a separate line item at the hourly rate established for you. Leaf cleanup charges apply only if regular service times are exceeded. Individual crew times are tracked by a 3 parity Global Positioning System firm.
C. Winter Service - One visit per month (January-February). To keep your property looking good all year and ready for new growth, we provide one extended service visit during January and again in February for the general winter clean up. This is also a good time to consider freshening up your pine straw or mulch before spring weeds begin to germinate in beds.
D. Spring Service - Two visits during the month of March. In this month, your lawn is emerging from dormancy and in order to stimulate the new growth, two visits are necessary. Heavy scalping methods and aerating services can be performed upon request at an additional charge, based on our man-hour rates and lawn size.
Grounds Maintenance Premium™
Grounds Maintenance Premium: Option #2 includes as outlined above + bed & shrub services and two service visits during the months of January and February
E. Shrub & Bed Maintenance: spraying non-selective herbicide in landscape beds where needed; prune or thin shrubs as needed to adequately maintain an attractive shape and fullness up to a height of 15 feet; clean up and disposal of debris created by service. Maintenance of shrubs above 15 feet in height is over and above our normal maintenance service and will be quoted as a separate service.
At first sight, our professional landscape trucks and uniformed employees are sure to impress. We hire only competent, clean, courteous professionals of sound character and high integrity who will respect you, your home, and your privacy.
Our professionals take pride in serving their customers and the properties they maintain. That professional pride is reflected in their professional appearance, including our clean-cut, freshly-shaven employees dressed in Yellow Safety Shirts and High Visibility Work Pants.
You can be confident the person wearing a uniform bearing our logo is skilled, trustworthy, safety-conscious, and courteous. All Weed Pro® Lawn Care employees undergo comprehensive background checks and drug testing, as well as ongoing professional training from a state-certified manager.
To uphold a prestigious image while visiting your neighborhood, our vehicles are cleaned each week, along with each vehicle being equipped with safety strobe-lights and GPS tracking for roadway work and customer account inquiries.
A Difference You Can See®!